Sunday, February 17, 2013

Encounters of the Austen Persuasion

(Brownie points for that pun.)

Some days, I just ooze Austen. The past two weeks have been no exception.

Between The Jane Austen Handbook, a long conversation on the merit of various Austen heroes, and the discovery that Dan Stevens played Edward Ferrars in 2008, I daresay it's been an Austen occasion. Not counting the Darcy encounter...

... is it so wrong if I prefer Matthew Crawley? *blush*

HA! Now you want to read about the Darcy encounter! Well, you're going to have to wait. First, I owe you a 100 for 100 Challenge Update!

Day #: 17
Today's Word Count: Haven't written for the day yet!
Overall Word Count: 4,598

This challenge has been an absolute blast, as well as a huge burden. On the bright side, I am so glad to be writing every day. Hitting 100 words is easy for me. I average between 300-400 per day, and on good days, I hit above 700. NaNoWriMo has conditioned me to churn out larger amounts of work in single sittings. Knowing that I'm actually doing something about the story inside of me feels amazing. I'm so blessed to have these stories. I really hope that someday I get to share them.

On the not-so-bright side, this story is hard. I know virtually no historical details about early 20th century Ireland. Who can blame me? It's not like the information is easy to find or I can just meander down to my local museum. I'm searching for needles in haystacks when it comes to finding historically accurate details. I'm taking lots of liberties just to get the story down at this point. I know I need to read some more, and I wish I had some guidance on where to look. Now more than ever I am desperate to visit the Emerald Isle. I was once promised I would go there someday... The only question that remains is when.

Isn't it *gorgeous*?
Now, about that Darcy character...

There is this guy. He looks kind of like Daniel Vincent Gordh(geous). He says things in a very Darcy manner, where you're not sure if he's just out of his element or being mean. Yeah. Everyone tries to pin this guy down, but we can't. *facepalm*

They don't call him Gordhgeous for nothing.
Well, this weekend, the boy actually talked to me. (Wow. That sounds so middle school. Don't think of it like that.) It's just, he isn't exactly known as a conversationalist. But he was pretty talkative yesterday. However, being the dork that I am, all I could think of was this:

I HAVE NO LIFE. I think I need to get out more.


... Pride and Platypus?

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